Review Aadhaar Authentication History and Error Codes: FAQs

Aadhaar Authentication History is a service hosted on the UIDAI website that provides detailed logs of authentication transactions for an individual resident in the last six months. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Aadhaar Authentication History, including where to check it, what information is provided, and how to interpret the data.

Review Aadhaar Authentication History and Error Codes: FAQs

Where to Check Aadhaar Authentication History

The Authentication History service is hosted on the UIDAI website at, and it can also be accessed through the mAadhaar app. To access the service, you will need your Aadhaar Number/VID and the security code.

What Information is Provided in Aadhaar Authentication History

Aadhaar Authentication History provides the following information for every authentication transaction:

Auth Modality

Auth Modality shows the mode of authentication used for a specific transaction, such as demographic, biometric (fingerprint, iris, or face), or One Time Password (OTP).

Date and Time of Authentication

This information shows the date and time when the authentication transaction was performed.

UIDAI Response Code

For every authentication transaction performed by an Aadhaar number holder, UIDAI generates a unique code to identify the transaction and sends the same to Authentication User Agency (AUA) along with the response. This Response Code is helpful to uniquely identify the transaction by AUA as well as UIDAI and may be used for any further enquiry from AUA by the Aadhaar number holder.

AUA Name

AUA Name refers to the name of the Authentication User Agency that performed the authentication transaction.

AUA Transaction ID

For every authentication transaction performed by an Aadhaar number holder, AUA generates a unique Transaction ID to identify the transaction and sends the same to UIDAI as part of the authentication request. This Transaction ID along with Response Code can be used for any further enquiry from AUA by the Aadhaar number holder.

Authentication Response

This information shows whether the authentication transaction was a success or a failure.

UIDAI Error Code

An Error Code provides the details/reason for the failure of the authentication transaction. For Error Code details, the resident may refer to the Aadhaar Authentication API document published on the UIDAI website.

How to Interpret Aadhaar Authentication History

Aadhaar Authentication History allows residents to view a maximum of 50 authentication records at one point of time. If a resident wants to check more records, they may need to select the date range in the calendar to view the authentication records.

For every failed authentication transaction record, a specific error code is assigned. If a resident did not perform a listed authentication transaction, they should contact the respective Authentication User Agency (AUA) for further details.


In conclusion, Aadhaar Authentication History provides detailed logs of authentication transactions for an individual resident in the last six months. The service is available on the UIDAI website and through the mAadhaar app. It provides information such as Auth Modality, Date & Time of Authentication, UIDAI Response code, AUA Name, AUA Transaction ID, Authentication Response, and UIDAI Error code. To interpret the data, residents should refer to the Aadhaar Authentication API document published on the UIDAI website.

Aadhaar Authentication Error Codes List

The Error Code List is a comprehensive list of error codes that provide the details/reason for the failure of an aadhaar authentication transaction. This list is available in the Aadhaar Authentication API document published on the UIDAI website. The list includes codes such as “100” for personal information demographic data that did not match, “300” for biometric data that did not match, and “400” for an invalid OTP value. Each error code corresponds to a specific issue that can be identified and resolved with the help of the Authentication User Agency (AUA) or UIDAI. It’s essential to refer to this list for any failed authentication transactions and understand the reason behind them.

“100” – Personal information demographic data did not match.

“200” – Personal address demographic data did not match.

“300” – Biometric data did not match.

“310” – Duplicate fingers used.

“311” – Duplicate Irises used.

“312” – FMR and FIR cannot be used in same transaction.

“313” – Single FIR record contains more than one finger.

“314” – Number of FMR/FIR should not exceed 10.

“315” – Number of IIR should not exceed 2.

“316” – Number of FID should not exceed 1.

“330” – Biometrics locked by Aadhaar holder.

“400” – Invalid OTP value.

“402” – “txn” value did not match with “txn” value used in Request OTP API.

“500” – Invalid encryption of session key.

“501” – Invalid certificate identifier in “ci” attribute of “Skey”.

“502” – Invalid encryption of PID.

“503” – Invalid encryption of Hmac.

“504” – Session key re-initiation required due to expiry or key out of sync.

“505” – Synchronized Key usage not allowed for the AUA.

“510” – Invalid Auth XML format.

“511” – Invalid PID XML format.

“512” – Invalid Aadhaar holder consent in “rc” attribute of “Auth”.

“520” – Invalid “tid” value.

“521” – Invalid “dc” code under Meta tag.

“524” – Invalid “mi” code under Meta tag.

“527” – Invalid “mc” code under Meta tag.

“530” – Invalid authenticator code.

“540” – Invalid Auth XML version.

“541” – Invalid PID XML version.

“542” – AUA not authorized for ASA. This error will be returned if AUA and ASA do not have linking in the portal.

“543” – Sub-AUA not associated with “AUA”. This error will be returned if Sub-AUA specified in “sa” attribute is not added as “Sub-AUA” in portal.

“550” – Invalid “Uses” element attributes.

“551” – Invalid “tid” value.

“553” – Registered devices currently not supported. This feature is being implemented in a phased manner.

“554” – Public devices are not allowed to be used.

“555” – rdsId is invalid and not part of certification registry.

“556” – rdsVer is invalid and not part of certification registry.

“557” – dpId is invalid and not part of certification registry.

“558” – Invalid dih.

“559” – Device Certificate has expired.

“560” – DP Master Certificate has expired.

“561” – Request expired (“Pid->ts” value is older than N hours where N is a configured threshold in authentication server).

“562” – Timestamp value is future time (value specified “Pid->ts” is ahead of authentication server time beyond acceptable threshold).

“563” – Duplicate request (this error occurs when exactly same authentication request was re-sent by AUA).

“564” – HMAC Validation failed.

“565” – AUA license has expired.

“566” – Invalid non-decryptable license key.

“567” – Invalid input (this error occurs when unsupported characters were found in Indian language values, “lname” or “lav”).

“568” – Unsupported Language.

“569” – Digital signature verification failed (means that authentication request XML was modified after it was signed).

“570” – Invalid key info in digital signature (this means that certificate used for signing the authentication request is not valid – it is either expired, or does not belong to the AUA or is not created by a well-known Certification Authority).

“571” – PIN requires reset.

“572” – Invalid biometric position.

“573” – Pi usage not allowed as per license.

“574”– Pa usage not allowed as per license.

“575”– Pfa usage not allowed as per license.

“576” – FMR usage not allowed as per license.

“577” – FIR usage not allowed as per license.

“578” – IIR usage not allowed as per license.

“579” – OTP usage not allowed as per license.

“580” – PIN usage not allowed as per license.

“581” – Fuzzy matching usage not allowed as per license.

“582” – Local language usage not allowed as per license.

“586” – FID usage not allowed as per license. This feature is being implemented in a phased manner.

“587” – Name space not allowed.

“588” – Registered device not allowed as per license.

“590” – Public device not allowed as per license.

“710” – Missing “Pi” data as specified in “Uses”.

“720” – Missing “Pa” data as specified in “Uses”.

“721” – Missing “Pfa” data as specified in “Uses”.

“730” – Missing PIN data as specified in “Uses”.

“740” – Missing OTP data as specified in “Uses”.

“800” – Invalid biometric data.

“810” – Missing biometric data as specified in “Uses”.

“811” – Missing biometric data in CIDR for the given Aadhaar number.

“812” – Aadhaar holder has not done “Best Finger Detection”. Application should initiate BFD to help Aadhaar holder identify their best fingers.

“820” – Missing or empty value for “bt” attribute in “Uses” element.

“821” – Invalid value in the “bt” attribute of “Uses” element.

“822” – Invalid value in the “bs” attribute of “Bio” element within “Pid”.

“901” – No authentication data found in the request (this corresponds to a scenario wherein none of the auth data – Demo, Pv, or Bios – is present).

“902” – Invalid “dob” value in the “Pi” element (this corresponds to a scenarios wherein “dob” attribute is not of the format “YYYY” or “YYYYMM-DD”, or the age is not in valid range).

“910” – Invalid “mv” value in the “Pi” element.

“911” – Invalid “mv” value in the “Pfa” element.

“912” – Invalid “ms” value.

“913” – Both “Pa” and “Pfa” are present in the authentication request (Pa and Pfa are mutually exclusive).

“930 to 939” – Technical error that are internal to authentication server.

“940” – Unauthorized ASA channel.

“941” – Unspecified ASA channel.

“950” – OTP store related technical error.

“951” – Biometric lock related technical error.

“980” – Unsupported option.

“995” – Aadhaar suspended by competent authority.

“996” – Aadhaar cancelled (Aadhaar is no in authenticable status).

“997” – Aadhaar suspended (Aadhaar is not in authenticatable status).

“998” – Invalid Aadhaar Number.

“999” – Unknown error.

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  1. Manjunath HV

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