MCA Extends Deadline for Form DPT-3 (FY 2022-23): Return of Deposits

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has recently announced an extension of the due date for filing the return of deposits for the Financial Year ended on March 31, 2023 (FY 2022-23). In accordance with General Circular 6/2023 dated June 21, 2023, the MCA has granted an additional one-month period, shifting the deadline from June 30 to July 31, 2023. This move aims to accommodate the difficulties being faced by stakeholders due to transition of the MCA-21 Portal from Version-2 to Version-3, thereby allowing companies more time to complete and submit Form DPT-3 without incurring any additional fees.

MCA General Circular 6/2023 dated 21/06/2023: Deadline for Filing Form DPT-3 (FY 2022-23) Extended up to 31/07/2023

MCA Extends Deadline for Form DPT-3 (FY 2022-23): Return of Deposits

Background and Rationale for Deadline Extension

The decision to extend the timeline for filing the return of deposits stems from the MCA’s initiative to upgrade the MCA-21 Portal. The transition from Version-2 to Version-3 involves technical changes and improvements aimed at enhancing user experience and ensuring a smoother filing process. Recognizing the significance and complications of this transition, the MCA has taken steps to ease the burden on businesses and provide them with a sufficient window to comply with their obligations.

Extended Due Date for DPT-3 (FY 2022-23)

Form DPT-3 pertains to the return of deposits or outstanding loans received by the compannies during the financial year, which is required to be submitted to the MCA by June 30 of the following year. By extending the deadline for filing this form, the MCA intends to facilitate a seamless and hassle-free filing process for companies. It allows businesses to complete their submissions without incurring any additional fees until July 31, 2023.


The MCA’s decision to extend the deadline for filing the return of deposits in Form DPT-3 for the Financial Year 2022-23 provides businesses with the necessary flexibility and time to fulfill their obligations without incurring additional fees. It aligns with the difficulties caused due to  transition from MCA-21 Version-2 to Version-3, ensuring a smoother filing process and facilitating a seamless user experience.

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  1. Megha

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