Accrual Basis of Accounting: Key Concepts, Pros, and Cons Explained

Accrual basis accounting is a widely used method of financial reporting that records transactions when economic events occur, rather than when cash is exchanged. This method offers a more accurate representation of a company’s financial health and allows for better comparability between financial statements. In this article, we will explore the core concepts, benefits, and limitations of accrual basis accounting, with a focus on the Indian context.

Accrual Basis of Accounting: Key Concepts, Pros, and Cons Explained

Core Concepts and Principles of Accrual Basis of Accounting

1. Revenue Recognition Principle

The revenue recognition principle dictates that revenues are recorded when they are earned, regardless of when the cash is received. For example, if a Mumbai-based software company signs a contract to provide services to a client in Delhi, the revenue would be recognized as soon as the services are rendered, even if the client has not yet paid for the services.

2. Expense Recognition Principle (Matching Principle)

The expense recognition principle, also known as the matching principle, states that expenses should be recorded when they are incurred, irrespective of when the cash is paid. This principle ensures that expenses are matched with the revenues they generate. For instance, if a Kolkata-based retailer orders inventory from a supplier, the expense would be recognized when the inventory is received, not when the supplier is paid.

3. Accruals and Deferrals

Accruals and deferrals are essential components of accrual basis accounting. They help ensure that revenues and expenses are recognized in the appropriate accounting period.

i) Accrued expenses are expenses that have been incurred but not yet paid. For example, a Chennai-based manufacturer may have accrued wages for its employees at the end of the month but not yet paid them.

ii) Accrued revenues are revenues that have been earned but not yet received. An example would be a Bengaluru-based consulting firm that has provided services to a client but has not yet received payment.

iii) Deferred expenses are expenses that have been paid in advance but not yet incurred. For example, a Hyderabad-based company may have prepaid rent for its office space.

iv) Deferred revenues are revenues received in advance but not yet earned. An example would be a Delhi-based gym that has received membership fees for the upcoming year.

4. Adjusting Entries

Adjusting entries are journal entries made at the end of an accounting period to ensure that revenues and expenses are recognized in the correct period. These entries often involve accruals and deferrals.

Benefits of Accrual Basis Accounting

Accrual basis accounting offers several advantages:

i) More accurate representation of a company’s financial health: By recording transactions when they occur, accrual basis accounting provides a clearer picture of a company’s financial position.

ii) Better alignment with economic events: Accrual basis accounting aligns financial reporting with the underlying economic events, rather than relying solely on cash inflows and outflows.

iii) Enhanced comparability of financial statements: Accrual basis accounting allows for better comparison of financial statements across different companies and periods.

iv) Compliance with GAAP and IFRS: Indian companies that follow GAAP or IFRS are required to use accrual basis accounting.

Limitations of Accrual Basis Accounting

Despite its benefits, accrual basis accounting has some limitations:

i) Complexity and increased record-keeping: Accrual basis accounting requires more complex record-keeping and can be more difficult to manage than cash basis accounting.

ii) Subjectivity in the recognition of revenues and expenses: Accrual basis accounting may involve some degree of subjectivity when determining when revenues and expenses should be recognized.

iii) Potential for earnings management and manipulation: The subjective nature of revenue and expense recognition can create opportunities for earnings management and manipulation, leading to distorted financial statements.

iv) Limited usefulness for small businesses and cash flow analysis: Accrual basis accounting may not be as useful for small businesses that primarily deal with cash transactions or for those seeking to analyze cash flow.

Accrual Basis Accounting in Practice

1. Real-life Examples of Accrual Accounting

To better understand the application of accrual basis accounting in real-life situations, let’s consider a few examples from the Indian context:

i) A Pune-based advertising agency provides a three-month campaign for a client. Under accrual basis accounting, the revenue would be recognized over the three-month period as the services are delivered, even if the client pays the full amount upfront.

ii) A Surat-based textile company purchases raw materials on credit. Under accrual basis accounting, the company would record the expense when the raw materials are received, even though payment to the supplier is made at a later date.

2. How Businesses Transition from Cash to Accrual Basis Accounting

Businesses that transition from cash basis accounting to accrual basis accounting must make several adjustments to their financial statements. This may involve reclassifying cash transactions as accrual transactions, adjusting the timing of revenue and expense recognition, and making necessary entries for accruals and deferrals.

3. Key Considerations for Companies Adopting Accrual Basis Accounting

Companies adopting accrual basis accounting should consider the following:

i) Staff training: Ensure that accounting and finance staff are adequately trained in the principles and practices of accrurl basis accounting.

ii) Investment in accounting software: Implement accounting software that supports accrual basis accounting and streamlines the process of adjusting entries, tracking accruals, and generating financial reports.

iii) Developing internal controls: Establish internal controls to minimize the risk of errors, fraud, and earnings manipulation in the accrual accounting process.


Accrual basis accounting provides a more accurate representation of a company’s financial health and allows for better comparability between financial statements. However, it also comes with some limitations, such as increased complexity and potential for earnings manipulation. Companies should carefully weigh the benefits and limitations of this accounting method and invest in staff training, accounting software, and internal controls to ensure the accurate and efficient implementation of accrual basis accounting.

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